Worship Ministries
We seek to serve God by being in service to one another. We do this through our various ministry programs to each other in our parish and by our outreach programs to our brothers and sisters in the wider community.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild cares for all the accoutrements and other items used in worship, from the sacred vessels and candlesticks, to the linens and hangings which change seasonally or to accommodate such events as weddings and baptisms. They prepare everything for celebrations of Eucharist. The Altar Guild works to make our church a place of meditation, peace, and joy for all. The Altar Guild welcomes new members both women and men.
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers assist the priest in communion.
If you are interested please speak with one of our clergy.
Knows as Lay Reader or Lector and Intercessor (Prayers of the People) play an essential role in our liturgy. The only requirement for this role is clarity, expression and a personal commitment to the value of reading God’s word aloud. If you are interested in participating please speak to one of our clergy.