What to expect at Holy Cross
Holy Cross is a welcoming, inclusive, open and affirming congregation. We are comprised of and reach out to ALL: the young and the old, the seasoned and the newcomer, those who are married and those who are divorced, partnered and single individuals, widows and widowers, families, those who identify as straight and those who identify as LGBTQ+, the wealthy and those with limited financial resources, and individuals from any ethnic, cultural or faith background.
At Holy Cross, please know that you are granted immunity from the painful ravages of religious bigotry and intolerance. Holy Cross exists as a gift from the Holy Spirit to you. It is a place where a loving God who sees all life as being divinely connected in a sacred and unbroken unity receives your thoughts, meditations, prayers, tears, anger, and joy. This is the same God who calls each of us by name and accepts us with unconditional love, and who offers what the world can never give – peace that passes all human understanding.
You can read more about our Purpose, Identity, Vision, and Values here.
Worship with us at 9:30AM! every Sunday!
All are welcome at Holy Cross Episcopal Church!
7805 Centella St, Carlsbad, CA 92009
For More Holy Week Service Information Click here
Watch last Week’s Service!
What we believe.
We strive to be a place of sanctuary and safety, where diversity is respected, encouraged, and protected. All persons who enter our sacred space enter with the promise that they will be free to be who they are, and what God intended them to be. In this holy place, diversity is united in the divine mystery of common prayer, sacred listening, healing, reconciliation, and God’s unconditional love.
Our motto is “Open Minds, Open Arms.” Our identity, vision, and purpose describes what we understand God is calling Holy Cross to be and to do. Our values state what is most important to us and guide our behavior. All of these provide the framework for decision making and the desired impact of our ministries and presence.
You can read more about our Purpose, Identity, Vision, and Values here!